Pride. Happiness. You choose which goes first.

Have you ever found yourself in the position where you like someone and you know that they like you to but you can’t decide what move to make next? Surely the logical thing would be to become committed to one another right… right?
It’s all pretty simple but maybe the simplicity of it is actually what makes it so difficult – in a few little words your freedom is gone, you’re no longer a lone single wolf looking to find a partner for the pack, your behaviours need to be readjusted out of respect and on top of that you now need to dedicate your time and effort toward something other than your bed and your xbox. It’s enough to make anyones palms sweaty, knees weak and arms heavy… Yeah you get the gist.
I think what it all comes down to in the end is pride and confidence. Pride because you don’t want to be the one to make the first move and confidence within yourself. If you want someone to be yours then you go and you make them yours (not forcefully though, I’m not looking to be called into the witness box for my words thank you very much). KNOW YOUR WORTH and know that you’re worth having – if you need to give yourself a cheeky wink in the mirror before you take that leap of faith then you do that and you work it.
The fact is you’ll never know unless you try. People that just get you, like really get you don’t come around often so don’t let the chance pass you by because of a few little insecurities, you never know, that might be what’s stopping them.

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