
I haven’t posted in a while mostly because 1. I had nothing to write about and 2. because I figured I don’t have all the information and facts regarding anything I do want to write about.

That left me to write about the only thing I do know; myself.

Now, a lot of people always speak about how many changes we go through as we get older in life, but nobody ever really tells you about what it’s like going through them so I thought I’d do some reflection on my own progression… I believe I started this blog when I was 18, and now I’m 21. I know that’s not really a long period of time, however, it’s a significant period of time. It’s the period in which I feel I changed the most.

You can look back through my posts and get an idea on the type of person I was when I was 18 but the main point for me is that although I was well aware I didn’t know it all, I thought I knew enough. I thought I could speak on anything and everything. I thought I was so enlightened (ha!) and that I could see the world soooo differently compared to the common man (don’t get me wrong, I still think I have a very unique view of this thing we call life but I’m not arrogant about it). When I was 18 I didn’t really get the attraction of life. I mean, I did and will always consider the gift of life to be a blessing but a part of me didn’t understand why people fought so hard for it. I was so consumed by the problems and negatives that came with being alive that I guess I never appreciated the good. Now, at 21, I realise that the reason I felt like that was because I was simply alive but not living. Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes as “living” and back then I guess I was manipulated by a false reality – an idea of life being all roses, $100 bills and sunny beaches. Now I understand that that isn’t the life I live for (although I wouldn’t say no to it). I felt like now and only now, I’m discovering what is important to ME, and not just believing what I have been told to consider important. Of course, money makes the world go around. The Earth is a business however, money is not a commodity I wish to centre my life around. Nor do I want to live for social acceptance, something which I considered the be all and end all at 18. I guess a big part of that is to do with my view of social media. I’m not ashamed to admit that I fell into the trap of social media at 18, and that I became a pawn in a very destructive game. A game that teaches you your worth as an individual is based on the opinions of other people. In hindsight, I was a bloody fool for ever allowing myself to get sucked into it but I don’t regret it because now, I have such a different view of social media and it’s a view that has saved me from going down a self-destructive path. A path I’ve witnessed many people walk down.

In all honesty, I still wouldn’t say I know myself because I’m a firm believer in every experience shaping you and God willing my experiences won’t end now but, all that being said, I am happy to say that I’m content with who I am. I’ve learned so much about myself over the past few years and in order to do that I had to leave my comfort zone. At the end of the day, no matter how much you water a seed planted in concrete, a flower is never going to grow. So many people say they want their life to end (I know that I did at 18) but what they really mean is that they just want the pain to stop. A pain that stems from your environment and although it’s much easier said than done, you are in control. If you don’t like your life, change it. But more importantly, accept that life is about balance. We are only human after all, it’s time we accepted it. It’s time we welcomed the good and the bad with open arms as one simply cannot exist without the other.

That’s what I would say is the biggest difference between the me at 21 and the me at 18; that I’ve made my peace with the fact that you need bad days to match the good. As 50 Cent once said, “Sunny days wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for rain”.


Is it weak to crave an escape from reality? To want to zone out for just a little while. To wish to be in a conscious state of unawareness? Because if it is then well, I’m happy to be weak…

Let’s not lie to ourselves; as great as the world can be at times the truth is, it’s still fucking shit. But, if we as people were to sit and wallow in the reality of life and the world we live in we’d either end up depressed, insane or both. It is this very reason why, as much as I dislike addicts a part of me will always sympathise with them. The world really is a disgusting place to be, it’s just sad that they lost their sense of reality.

We need forms of escapism – they’re basically deterrents, stopping us from losing our damn minds. Think about it; without TV, films, books, games, music, art etc what would you do? You’d be forced to do nothing but think 24/7. Forced to face reality. Forced into a state of helplessness where the only time you’d escape would be in your sleep. I mean, that is why we dream isn’t it? To create a ‘false reality’, one that we ourselves prefer? I, myself love to sleep for this very reason. It’s the perfect fix as the next best option would be death and I’m not quite ready for that.

Why change the world when I can simply close my eyes and create my own?

Anything we do in life is more or less to distract our attention thoughts. I used to hate myself for not being able to deal with reality 100% of the time but then I realised nobody can (nobody sane anyway). It’s impossible, the world isn’t great enough for that, nowhere near.

Everyone is allowed to forget, even if it’s just for a split second. It’s refreshing and sometimes, it’s exactly what you need. That’s what we’re all doing here right? On the internet I mean. We’re tuned into the world but at the same time, we’re completely deaf to it.

Great isn’t it.

*plays some trap music*


“No one should ever ask themselves that: why am I unhappy? The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything. If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy. If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must either change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even more unhappy.” – Paulo Coelho

They say that unhappiness is only for those that have no purpose but in all honestly I think that is the biggest load of baloney I’ve ever read; how can one expect to never be unhappy when there is so much injustice in the world? Furthermore, how will we ever know true happiness if we’ve never experienced the opposite? I wouldn’t go so far as to say that unhappiness is healthy because it’s actually quite the opposite – it can lead you to self-destruction. You’ll search so far into the issue and into yourself that you’ll find problems that aren’t even there and the only way you can escape that torment is usually through a substance, luckily for me I’ve found music is just as effective as anything toxic.

I think the main problem with unhappiness is that only those who are going through it themselves can sympathise, if you’re happy you’re not expected to understand and in a way, I’m glad for your own sake that you can’t. However more importantly, it’s as if being unhappy is frowned upon and almost taboo. People don’t exactly talk about their problems now do they? I mean, how many times has somebody asked you if you’re ok and you’ve said yes even though you’re sat crying your heart out at that exact moment in time? Then again maybe this is because unhappiness is often misinterpreted as depression… I really don’t understand why people are expected to be 100% okay at every single moment in their lives. We all go through hardship and have off days and we ALL have our own burdens to bare, we’re only human after all. You never know what happens behinds closed doors. No one will be an all round positive and upbeat person 24/7 so if it’s entertainment you want then go and subscribe to Comedy Central.

“Don’t always assume a smile equals happiness.”

All I’m really trying to say is that you shouldn’t expect so much from people, somebody could have the weight of the world on their shoulders and still look into your eyes and tell you they’re fine. I’m not saying let’s all become therapists but a problem shared really is a problem solved (so cliché I know) and a moment of your time really could make the world of difference. You’re not obliged to listen to anyone’s problems but if you were to find yourself in a similar situation wouldn’t you like somebody to listen to you…

Oh and for those of you who are unhappy about anything in your life then I won’t lie and tell you that whatever you’re dealing with will get better because the reality is it might not, but what I can promise you is that you will learn to deal with it 🙂


Have you ever had so many thoughts racing through your head at once that you can feel them all slowly but surely breaking you down mentally, destroying you, tearing you apart from the inside of your own mind? I have. I can’t exactly explain the feeling to those who have never experienced it but I guess you really do just feel broken – like a toy that’s been stood on. You feel like you need reassembling, reconstructed… rebuilt.

I’ve always said that the mind is a powerful tool and I’m a firm believer in the fact that it’s your greatest weapon ESPECIALLY when used upon yourself, it will literally make you or break you.

If your mind makes you then there’s not really much to consider, you’re lucky however when it breaks you, IF it breaks you then only you have the capability to put yourself together again. You can’t rely on anyone else to pick up your pieces for you because only you know where they fell. It’s a brutal process of self-torture, it honestly is but I have faith that this is one of the things which separates the strong from the weak. Think about it; you’ve mentally reached rock bottom yet still somehow managed to find the strength to put yourself back together and carry on as though nothing ever happened? Sorry but that is some achievement and if you can handle that then well, you can damn sure handle anything that anybody else has to throw at you. It’s as though you rebuild yourself with an extra shield, you learn to toughen the skin.

So as much as you may hate overthinking (and many do) I believe it to be medicating and somewhat healthy. Sometimes you truly do just need time alone with your own thoughts to understand yourself and to understand the difference between the things you want, the things you think you want and the things you need. So now the next time your mind travels at 100mph, don’t be so quick to stop it.

Pride. Happiness. You choose which goes first.

Have you ever found yourself in the position where you like someone and you know that they like you to but you can’t decide what move to make next? Surely the logical thing would be to become committed to one another right… right?
It’s all pretty simple but maybe the simplicity of it is actually what makes it so difficult – in a few little words your freedom is gone, you’re no longer a lone single wolf looking to find a partner for the pack, your behaviours need to be readjusted out of respect and on top of that you now need to dedicate your time and effort toward something other than your bed and your xbox. It’s enough to make anyones palms sweaty, knees weak and arms heavy… Yeah you get the gist.
I think what it all comes down to in the end is pride and confidence. Pride because you don’t want to be the one to make the first move and confidence within yourself. If you want someone to be yours then you go and you make them yours (not forcefully though, I’m not looking to be called into the witness box for my words thank you very much). KNOW YOUR WORTH and know that you’re worth having – if you need to give yourself a cheeky wink in the mirror before you take that leap of faith then you do that and you work it.
The fact is you’ll never know unless you try. People that just get you, like really get you don’t come around often so don’t let the chance pass you by because of a few little insecurities, you never know, that might be what’s stopping them.